Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Cheesecake Factory

Short Pump Town Center
11800 West Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23233

The lighting in this space is detailed and layered. The design pays close attention to daylight which is exemplified through clerestory windows, various awnings, and sun screens.  Each window located on the South-West side of the building is covered with a mesh sunscreen, in order to reduce glare and harsh direct sunlight.

These awnings are set below the clerestory windows in order to allow daylight in through the top and span further across the space, while shading the lower half of the window with the awnings.

These awnings are set at the top of the arches in order to provide shade to the seating in this alcove. The arches themselves are thick in structure which projects diffused daylight further into the space.

The electrical lighting in this space is also detailed and layered. It consists of can fixtures, sconces, pendents, back-lighting and up-lighting. In addition to functional lighting, the decorative features highlight the various textures of the materials, add emphasis, and create ambiance within the space.

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